So, here we are, old house sold, settling in to life at the new place. I intend on posting before/after pictures of our place here pretty soon (whenever I figure out how to upload some pictures. :) ) Our remodeling is almost complete - mostly just a little bit of finishing up in the master bath, and maybe hanging some double closet rods. We've organized, cleaned out, and reorganized our storage building several times....the reality is we have too much stuff, and/or, we have too small a building. Either way, the things we are getting rid of can be easily reacquired if we decided that after all, we really DID need them!
We did a fall square-foot garden, and it did OK. A lot of the seeds never sprouted - not sure if they were too old and not viable, or if it was some other factor. BUT, the things that did sprout did relatively well - some decent-sized radishes, some small carrots, small swiss chard, and small turnips and greens. Not too bad for a garden that we basically ignored! We started a lasagna garden plot that we are going to let cure over the winter - cardboard, leaves, manure, compost, and some hay we shoveled out of our neighbor's barn. Our neighbor says that the manure is a penny a pile - he pays US to take it! LOL! No shortage of that around here. I'm hoping to make it much bigger than it is now, but at least it is a start. I want to take a whole section of our yard (1/4 acre or so) and plant a big corn field....we'll see if that happens this year or not! We have a barn that needs some repairs that we hope to turn into a cow/chicken barn. I'd love to get a jersey for milk and a calf for beef, and of course LOTS of chickens for meat and eggs! All in good time, I suppose.
We are about half-way through Almost-6-yr-old's 12 week phonics program. We are using ACE, and we really like it. Even the 4-yr-old is picking up on some reading. We've met a few families out here that homeschool, and it has been fun getting to know them. We just this week went Christmas caroling at a nursing home close by. None of our kids are shy, so they all were hugging and kissing all the residents and striking up conversations. We all had a great time! (This post was originally written at Christmas time, but blogspot was having trouble posting it....The picture above is of our new floors/paint job before we actually moved in. )